Accessibility & disabilities
The site is 100% accessible to people with reduced mobility and wheelchairs.
Wheelchairs are provided free of charge to visitors.
In each area, the touch screens and furniture have been designed to be accessible to all, at the height of children and people in wheelchairs.

The guided tour of the cave is entirely designed to allow a descriptive and immersive discovery for all. Thermo-inflated booklets are made available with descriptions in braille.
An option activates the adapted content on the visit companion: the colorimetry, the graphic charter as well as the size of the font.
The site has been granted a derogation for slopes in excess of 5% in the facsimile, as it is an identical reproduction of the original cave.

Our tour headsets are equipped with magnetic loop technology and allow people with a recent hearing aid to simply place the headset on their shoulders. The chip transmits the sound directly to the hearing aid.
From the start of the tour to the end of the cave, a dedicated tablet allows you to follow the tour thanks to commentaries designed by our mediators. This tour is available in French Sign Language, as well as in text format in French, English and Spanish.
During the rest of the tour, they will find the “subtitles” option on the tour companion in the language of their choice for audio and video content. These subtitles are available in 9 languages:

Each mediator strives to support these audiences with the greatest attention within a group and at any age.
In general, the reception, security and mediation teams are aware of the care of all audiences and do everything possible to guarantee the best visiting conditions for all visitors.